18mm f/2 vs. 27mm f/2.8

Fuji Fujifilm 18mm f2 vs 27mm f2.8 pancake

Somewhat to my surprise, this is a comparison I’ve not only had requested, it’s also a search term that lands more than a few people on my site. These lenses really only have two things in common, and that’s size and weight. It would seem lots of people are after an X100S form factors, but aren’t sure which of these two lenses will do it best.

Because the focal lengths are so different, I’ve left the pixel-peeping image comparison out. They may be added in the future, but for now, lots of impressions, comparison images, and even a few charts should help with which of these two tiny lenses you should get for a small interchangeable kit.

Read 18mm f/2 vs. 27mm f/2.8 here.

FUJINON XF 10-24mm f/4 vs. Primes

Fuji Fujifilm 14mm f2.8 18mm f2 10-24mm f4 23mm f1.4 X-T1.jpg

After much too long, my comparison of Fuji’s excellent 10-24mm f/4, and the prime lenses its focal range covers is finally online. If you’ve been wondering which way to go, zoom or prime, this should really help you out.

Pitting one lens against many has resulted in one monster of a comparison, but I kept things as clear and concise as possible. I think you could easily bypass the pixel-level scrutiny entirely and still come away with a great understanding of how these lenses perform. For those of you you like poring over the 100% crops, you’ll definitely have your fill. Enjoy.

FUJINON XF 10-24mm f/4 vs. Primes

The ONA Bowery vs. The Billingham Hadley Small

ONA Bowery Billingham Hadley Small.jpg

For a change of pace from my usual “versus” articles, I finally got around to writing up my thoughts and comparisons of these two highly sought after bags. One is from ONA and the other, Billingham. Both bags are fantastic, but which bag comes out on top? Read on to find out.

The ONA Bowery vs. The Billingham Hadley Small

X-T1 vs. X-E2 vs. X-Pro1

Fuji Fujifilm X-T1 vs X-E2 vs X-Pro1.jpg

Another complete overhaul. This time, it’s my X-T1 vs. X-E2 vs. X-Pro1 page. It is still getting a remarkable amount of traffic, so I figured I would remove the rumour content. I didn’t stop there though. I’ve added a bunch of comparison images, and written up some impressions on how the overall handling of each compares to the others. I also cleaned up the table, which can still be found towards the bottom of the page.

What is perhaps most interesting about these three cameras now is how well the X-Pro1 still holds up, and how the X-E2 has faded away slightly. It’s still an extremely good camera, but it might be the overlooked middle child of the Fujifilm family these days.

X-T1 vs. X-E2 vs. X-Pro1

Adobe’s Fujifilm Camera Calibration Profiles

Another new page has been added to the “Extras” menu called Adobe’s Fujifilm Camera Calibration Profiles This will be another evolving oage. Currently it has just one images with each of the Fujifilm-endorsed profiles for a quick visual comparison, and brief analysis. This is pretty heavy duty pixel-peeping stuff, but it’s interesting nonetheless. I feel little shame in being picky about the end result of my images.

I’ll add the lake and valley image seen in my X-Trans Before & After page next so we can have a close look at how landscapes and greens are handled.

Adobe’s Fujifilm Camera Calibration Profiles Compared

Film Simulation Modes Compared

Fuji Fujifilm Film Simulation Modes Provia Astia Velvia PRO Neg Hi Std.jpg

A second subject has been added to my Film Simulation Mode comparison page. I figured the large areas of bright, bold colour against the deep shadows of the black background would make it very easy to see what’s happening between each mode.

More test subjects are yet to be added like a landscape, cityscape and a portrait, but I think next on the agenda is comparing Adobe’s Camera Calibration profiles with the in-camera rendering of each Film Simulation Mode.

Film Simulation Modes Compared

Fujifilm X-Trans: Before & After

I’ve added a new page under “Extras” in the main navigation for “X-Trans Before & After.” It will be an ever-evolving page showing quick screen grabs of RAFs and JPEGs with the “Before / After” view mode active in Lightroom to show just how much dynamic range can be pulled out of the X-Trans sensor, and how much JPEGs can be altered in post.

I’ll maintain this page until DxO figures out how to run their tests on X-Trans sensors. ;-)

X-Trans Before & After

60mm f/2.4 Macro vs. 56mm f/1.2

After weeks of testing, the most thorough “Versus” article yet—the battle of the medium telephoto—is now online.

I’m finally approaching the standard I’d like to set for all the Versus content I post on Fuji vs Fuji. This is going to mean some revisions and additions to existing articles of course, and that means more comparisons. I’ve been holding fast to shooting real things as opposed to test charts, brick walls, and staged comparison images. This keeps the image content fresh, and the testing more interesting.

This has also been the toughest comparison to make recommendations against. There are really good reasons to own each lens. Ultimately it boils down to your specific needs and your wallet.

Read more.