X-T2 Review

I’m more than a little late to the new Fujifilm body review scene this time around, thanks to being MIA during the early access window. I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand, I missed out on the early rush of excitement, not to mention site traffic. I’ve also felt like I’ve been letting my readers down, especially those who have written in to ask where the heck my review was. On the other hand, I’ve enjoyed taking a (much) less rushed approach. The lack of any deadline doesn’t help me get things done quickly.

The fact of the matter is, my house move and all this computer nonsense has had a huge impact on my ability to write, and earthquakes in Japan have had an effect on Fuji’s ability to get product over here. I have my hands on a bunch of X-T2s now though, and my review has (finally) been published with a big added bonus at the end.

The Versus comparisons you’re no doubt expecting are next in the queue and should be up in a much more timely fashion.

X-T2 + Bonus Review